Tips for Carrying Concealed Inside the Waistband

For people who have been carrying a gun around for long times know that is a particular way in which you need to carry your gun in the holster for them to be comfortable as well as concealed. However, if you are new to the world of the best IWB holster for the shield , here are a few tips that will help you on your way: Buy bigger pants While this may come as a surprise, this is one trick that experienced gunmen swear by. This is the only way you can make sure that you are carrying your gun around comfortably while at the same time keeping it hidden. When you carry your holster in your regular fitting pants, there is often a chance that things might get tight and uncomfortable. So, always opt for bigger pants when carrying best IWB concealed carry holsters . Wear Proper Undergarments Guns are uncomfortable to the touch, and after having worn them for an entire day, you will soon realise that it is incredibly painful and may lead...